Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Carrera Fiesta, Monterey Historics, Saturday, August 16, RSVP

Hola, Carreraistas!

We are planning a Carrera Fiesta and Corral at the Monterey Historics on Saturday, August 16, 3:00-6:30 PM. We need a preliminary count of people who plan to attend. Please let me know if you can make it.

We need sixty attendees to be able to reserve a private patio and corral in the parking lot for our Carrera cars and other exotic automobiles. Everyone, including friends and relatives, is invited.

The gathering will be at Tarpy's Roadhouse, which is virtually next door to Laguna Seca. Tarpy's is four miles east of Carmel and Monterey on Highway 68, left side, bottom of the hill, one mile past the airport. It's a beautiful place, a local landmark.

Because this is a no-host function, tickets will be sold before the event to defray the cost of drinks and snacks. At this point, we simply want to gauge the level of interest. We also need to know if you want to display your Carrera or vintage racecar, since space in the corral is limited to 15 autos.

We had 45 people at our Southern California fiesta last Saturday night in South Pasadena. And a good time was had by all. Being able to talk Pan Am, while admiring Ron Lee's car collection, was very special. The president of La Carrera, Eduardo de Leon and his family, was also present. Some of those So-Cal folks will also want to mingle with other Carrera racers attending the Historics.

Please respond if you plan to attend. Final details, including ticket information, will be distributed in early June. Thanks to Bill Hemmer for arranging the location.

Muchisimos gracias,

Gerie Bledsoe
North American Coordinator
La Carrera Panamericana

Tarpy's wine celler. The question is, how many of these can us Carreraistas polish off?

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