Friday, May 16, 2008

Two Wiiild And Craaaazy Guys

Kevin and Mark before Mark grew a beard. (Honest it's them.)

Ever notice how some people leave a more lasting impression on people than others? Having met Kevin Jones and co-piloto, better known as "partner in crime" Mark Williams we found them to be the kinds of guys we are proud to call our friends. Hey, I don't know what in the hell to say about them owning a pink iPod but some question are better left unasked. Besides, what goes on in Mexico stays in Mexico or so I'm told.

Check out the video Kevin and Mark shot as they traveled thru parts of Mexico on their way to race the Chihuahua Express. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO. After leaving Chihuahua every Chihuahua in the city of Chihuahua had been "sand proofed" at the request of the Subaru team. Some say they saw Mark and Kevin holding down the dog in the photo while saying, "It's the least we can do for the people of Chihuahua. Besides, what else can we do since there are no pigeons here?"


Kevin said...

the above link is to a picture of me asking for directions

Gary Faules said...

Is that the right photo?

By the way I loved the new photo on your blog as you're rippin thru Mexico City. That was a good day.

Kevin said...

yep, i was chasing our newly geared up chihuahua:) I love that photo, I wish I could find some video of us through that section!