Sunday, October 26, 2008

Arriving At Queretaro

Still waiting for yesterdays results but here is the latest breifing from Mexico as of today. (Where are those damn RESULTS!!!)

In front of hundreds of people a stage of speed in the central tracks of the main way of Mexico City was carried out. This stage is unique in the race because happens in urban surroundings having perfect conditions to let the cars show them maximum speed. The fastest ran near the 300 kph during the straights.There the three leaders in their Studebakers could be observed to break silence and to make shake the floor with their powerful motors.

Around 11 hrs. a stage full of cliffs and with high difficulty curves was carried out. The cars behaved of wonder and until the moment without accidents. After running several stages in QuerĂ©taro’s roads the cars came to a new stage of speed in the automobile race track of QuerĂ©taro.

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